Adventure stories of mythical, mystical, magical fantasy and romance

Adventure stories of mythical, mystical, magical fantasy and romance

Magically Happy

Do you wish you were more happy?

I’m Bianca Reeves, a certified Happy For No Reason Trainer based on Marci Shimoff certification program. My intentions is:

*You will be inspired to live a happier and more fulfilled life. 

 *Understand the key steps to create happiness from the inside out.

*Have practical tools you can use immediately to raise your happiness level.

*Have fun and bring joy into each others lives.

Recent blog posts about happiness

The Foundation
Take Ownership of Your Happiness; Focus on Solutions; Make Peace with Yourself; Look for the Lesson and the Gift.
The Pillar of the Mind
Don't Believe Everything You Think; Questions Your Thoughts; Go Beyond the Mind and Let Go; Inclined Your Mind Toward Joy.
The Pillar of the Heart
Let Love Lead; Focus on Gratitude; Practice Forgiveness; Spread Loving Kindness.
The Pillar of the Body
Make Your Cells Happy; Nourish Your Body; Energize Your Body; Tune In to Your Body's Wisdom.
The Pillar of the Soul
Plug Yourself In to Spirit; Listen to Your Inner Voice; Trust Life's Unfolding; Invite Connection with Your Higher Power.
The Roof
Live a Life Inspired by Purpose; Find Your Passion; Follow the Inspiration of the Moment; Contribute to Something Greater than Yourself.
The Garden
Cultivate Nourishing Relationships; Tend to Your Relationships; Surround Yourself with Support; See the World as Your Family.

Are you interested in working with me?

Please include details in the message so I know what you’re interested in. I offer a six week program, one-on-one coaching. Zoom or live workshops from 1 to 8 hours.